Why Do so Many Small Businesses Fail?
Somewhere between 60-90% of new businesses fail to survive. Just about everyone agrees, starting a new business has a low success rate. The real question is not how many fail, but WHY so many fail.
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Somewhere between 60-90% of new businesses fail to survive. Just about everyone agrees, starting a new business has a low success rate. The real question is not how many fail, but WHY so many fail.
What do you do when your business stops growing, and what worked in the past only seems to make it worse? To overcome this challenge faced by every growing business, you will need a new roadmap.
For the first time in a long time, the growth seems to be slowing. Executing on decisions feels more like struggling through a muddy swamp than the perpetual march forward you used to have. Things seem complicated and confusing. What was once a well-oiled machine is slowly, painfully grinding to a halt. Here's how you can fix it.
Most companies waste an enormous amount of time by either have too many meetings, too few meetings, or just plain lousy meetings. It doesn't have to be this way.
How fast do you want to grow your business? As your business progresses through each stage of growth, you will need to strategically decide whether you are willing to make the changes necessary to keep growing.